Take a look back at Linkara’s favorite gags from the last few years!

If you’re having trouble watching this video on the Screenwave player, you can view it on youtube HERE.

NOTE: I’m aware of the audio de-synching hiccup during one bit. Fortunately, it’s only that one part. This last month has been rough on making episodes – I’ve had to save episodes in chunks in order to get them out and completed and this one was no different. This week is going to be tough because of all the prep I need to do for Magfest, sooo I’m not prioritizing fixing it. However, I did get a shiny new computer for Christmas DESIGNED for editing, so needless to say we shouldn’t have any issues like this in the foreseeable future.

Previously ...or... Next Time

Back Issues!

  • Ultimate Power #1-2

    Ultimate power must be what Greg Land has considering he still gets work. If you’re having trouble watching this video […]

  • The Star Wars #7

    I’d just like to point out that most of the battles in this series have been on the ground.

  • Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force

    The return of Ensign Munro! …a pity they had to get his ineffectual half-brother to stand in for him in […]

  • RANDOM?!

    Feelin'... lucky?