I know, a bit last minute, but on Thursday at 6 PM (US Central time), ThatGuyWithTheGlasses.com will be hosting its first ever live show (and donation drive)! While I personally won’t be there, you’ll be able to see a video or two I made for the event, plus all the other awesome talent going for the site.

So head over to That Guy With the Glasses tomorrow and check it out!

And yeah, I’ll post the videos on the site soon afterwards in case you have to miss it.

Also: DONATE! It’s going to something VERY special in April that involves me. ^_~

Back Issues!

  • Phonogram: The Immaterial Girl

    Don’t listen to a screen when it starts talking to you! …wait… If you’re having trouble watching this video on […]

  • Doom’s IV #2

    In the future, stupid names will be all the rage. Another video recap (I love doing these). If you’re having […]

  • Kamandi at Earth’s End #3

    Don’t you love it when the comics that are supposed to be more edgy and realistic are, in fact, MUCH […]

  • RANDOM?!

    Feelin'... lucky?