Well, I’ve still got a half hour’s worth of Christmas left where I am, so just a few last things:

First – Check out my brother’s Podcast Dumpster Tech where he and a few others discuss technology, video games, and etc. Only two shows are out so far so there’s no excuse about not wanting to trudge through their backlog!

Second – Among the gifts I got for Christmas were several old comics that the aforementioned brother gave me, so I’ll have even more material to make fun of in the coming year.

Third – I also got Action Philosophers (Yay!) and Amazons Attack (ACK!), which I intend to do a four-part video review on. I ALSO got Adobe Premiere Elements 7, so expect some better special effects and video quality in future reviews!

Fourth – The Doctor Who Christmas special ROCKED.

That’s it from me! Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!

Back Issues!

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  • RANDOM?!

    Feelin'... lucky?