
Yesterday, my mother was joking around with me when she saw this cover to a plumbing magazine called Angie’s List.

Something about the artwork seemed familiar to me, and then it hit me:

This is from the last page of Infinite Crisis #1, with pencils by Phil Jimenez. Now, it’s entirely possible that the artist just used the original art for a reference when they drew it, but looking at the inking lines, the sizes and proportions, and the like it seems to be awfully close to the original art.

We’re asking Angie’s List for a comment, but none so far. Think I should e-mail DC or Phil Jimenez?

I’ve been seeing a lot of people getting upset over the Robin, Nightwing, and Birds of Prey are ending. It should be noted that all of these are doing so at the same time as the “Battle for the Cowl” mini-event over in Batman, and as much as I’d like to separate Nightwing and Birds of Prey from the Bat-verse, they’re still pretty linked to it.

As such, I just want to address the fact that sometimes it’s easy to panic over things like this and worry that our favorite titles won’t be coming out, but remember that #1 issues tend to sell better these days than ones that are over #100, plus gives new readers the chance to jump on. Batman is certainly not going to be dying and I highly doubt these professionals don’t have storylines already planned for their series. As such, I say just be patient, enjoy the books while they’re coming back, and eagerly await Robin, Nightwing, and Birds of Prey #1.

Otherwise, if you continue to panic, after these books reappear, it’s very likely you’ll regret it. Why? Because you’ll do this:

And now back to our regularly-scheduled (yeah, right) Blog.

Doom’s IV #2

In the future, stupid names will be all the rage.

Another video recap (I love doing these).

If you’re having trouble watching this video on the Screenwave player, you can view it on youtube HERE.

Hurray for Promotion!

Admittedly, it’s not an all-out review talking about how awesome the book is and how EVERYONE SHOULD BUY IT, but Valerie D’Orazio, the blogger of Occasional Superheroine, has mentioned Revolution of the Mask (no, I’m never going to stop linking it) in a blog post today about the idea of Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press, found here!

So go take a look and stick around to check out the blog! Val’s often-cynical-yet-hopeful looks at the comic book industry and pop culture as a whole are always inciteful and delightful (ooh, now I’ve gone all rhymey).

Which one is the clone?! By the time this story ends… you won’t care!

I decided to do something special for this recap, possibly something I’ll do more of in the future. Also, I know I was going to release it on Halloween, but since it’s done and everything, I figure what the hey. The previous two recaps can be found here:

Part 1

Part 2

If you’re having trouble watching this video on the Screenwave player, you can view it on youtube HERE.