So, in an effort to gain a wider audience for the video reviews, I submitted the videos to That Guy with the Glasses, a popular internet site that features various reviews of games, horrible movies, and the like.
And the first trial video (my Top 15 WTF Moments) is now up. Within a half hour of its posting, 1,000 more views just got counted on it, so hurray! So check it out, check out the rest of the site (in particular the Nostalgia Critic), and answer me this question:
Should my next trial videos be ones I’ve already done, two new ones, one new one and one I’ve already done? YOU MAKE THE CALL!
Not the Teen Titans, but at the same maturity level.
If you’re having trouble watching this video on the Screenwave player, you can view it on youtube HERE.
15 Moments that made us all go “Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?!”
If you’re having trouble watching this video on the Screenwave player, you can view it on youtube HERE.
Blue Beetle, arguably the greatest book in the mainstream market, has been cancelled.
But The Boys, Garth Ennis’ effing The Boys sold 39,000 copies and is on the Top 100 list for Diamond’s Sales report for September.
A comic featuring an awesome supporting cast, witty humor, and a likeable superhero has been cancelled because no one was buying the book (around 12,000 sales).
And yet The Boys, a dumbass book filled with foul language, uberviolence, unlikeable characters, and superheroes acting like complete nimrods and jerks is still breaking the Top 100 sales.
(Important, but NSFW question Behind the cut!)
Can someone please explain to me why someone would prefer this:

To this?: