15 comics that I refuse to review!

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Many people have tried to tell me that Mephisto isn’t responsible for everyone forgetting Peter is Spider-man, that it’s the Marvel Illuminati (Dr. Strange, Reed Richards, Tony Stark, etc.). Yes, I have read that recent issue… except the only reason that that chain of events occurs is because of Mephisto’s intervention. They are living in an altered timeline where apparently not being married results in this. Mephisto had to have known that. None of that would have happened without Auny May being brought back to life. Therefore he is still responsible.

Subsequently, “One Moment in Time” is coming off more and more like Marvel teasing us and saying, “Yeah, we know this is how it SHOULD HAVE gone down, but instead he still made a deal with Satan, SUCKERS!”

Previously ...or... Next Time

Back Issues!

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  • RANDOM?!

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