Super Academy, a series I guest-starred on for a couple of episodes, is running a Kickstarter for its second season! Please show them some love, since they’re some pretty awesome people who also helped out with the Atop the Fourth Wall Movie!

Check out the Kickstarter HERE!

Back Issues!

  • Catwoman: Guardian of Gotham #2

    The dark, haunting tale of a woman and her improbable physique! If you’re having trouble watching this video on the […]

  • Star Trek: Voyager #1

    A comic based on the series that truly reflected our world… in that sometimes long trips are really dull. If […]

  • Star Trek: The Next Generation #2

    Reviewing Star Trek totally in rhyme? What a thought! Oh dear lord, what has this comic wrought… You can purchase […]

  • RANDOM?!

    Feelin'... lucky?