Didn’t have one for the last block of episodes for various reasons, but we have it now! Time to see what’s coming up for the show and various projects!

Schedule of Upcoming Episodes

8/5 – Comic Book Swimsuit Issues
8/12 – Batman #45-47
8/19 – Star Trek: The Next Generation #5
8/26 – The A-Team #3
9/2 – PATREON: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventures Eps. #5-9
9/9 – Trouble #4
9/16 – PATREON: Franken Fran Ch. 1 & 4
9/23 – PATREON: Youngblood: Judgment Day #1-3
9/30 – Teen Titans #27-28

As always, the schedule is subject to change for any number of reasons, but the Patreon ones are locked in.

Obviously people are wondering where the the hell the next storyline segment is. Rest assured, I have not forgotten about the Contest of Champions, it’s just that part of the problem with expanding a storyline to include other people is that they have their own personal lives that take priority over other things. It hasn’t been helped that I’ve had so many schedule slippages lately so side projects can get a focus (the audio drama, History of Power Rangers, etc.). The Contest will continue, though one of the planned contests WAS going to be horror-themed and done in October to match up with that, but it will have to be delayed. I’d like to still do a horror storyline in October, but I can’t guarantee it will actually happen – for the first time we might have an October without a horror storyline in it, but we’ll see how things go.

History of Power Rangers
In case you missed it when it happened, the History of Power Rangers on Ninja Steel was released and can be viewed HERE. The next videos I have planned are the rerelease of Power Rangers in Space, hopefully coming out this month (I had hoped to have them done before July was finished, but had to take a break after a convention).

A Voice From the Dark
For those who missed it, in June I released “A Voice From the Dark,” a six-part audio drama reuniting almost 30 Channel Awesome alumni in the style of the old anniversary specials! While the viewership numbers on it were not as high as I would have wanted, people seemed to really enjoy it and I encourage you all to check it out HERE!

The next task is going to be releasing it on CD and DVD. Not to give any spoilers about it, but the audio drama DOES contain a cover of a song on it, which is one of the things that’s held back releasing it on physical media. The licensing process for releasing media with a cover of a copyrighted work is… dumb. It’s shocking how stupid and needlessly complicated it is. Services exist to help go through the process, but I keep running into roadblocks with it (not the least of which being that there are different licenses one has to acquire depending on the method of distribution – a mechanical license for CD, a sync license for DVD and a separate one for streaming audio). What this will likely result in is that the DVD will contain an original song in place of the cover. The CD I will do my best to keep the cover in, but it may need the original song, as well. The streaming version SHOULD have the cover, since that seems to be the easiest to get a license for.

The eventual DVD release is planned to have bloopers, behind the scenes, potentially a prequel story that tells of the night Scarsdale fled the Manor, and other extras along those lines. The CD will be pretty bare bones, though – basically just the audio drama itself.

Longbox of the Damned
Obviously there was no Midsummer’s Nightmare this year. It tends to happen when one is so busy with other stuff, but I would like to think that A Voice From the Dark filled that horror itch if you had it. I’m hoping to do another one next year, but wouldn’t mind also hearing people’s thoughts about potentially expanding to horror movies, as well – similar in vein to Cinemassacre’s Monster Madness, where it’s just me talking about horror movies in short videos. Such a thing would never replace the horror comic videos in October, obviously, but maybe as a fun summer project one of these years.

In the meantime, keep a lookout in late-September for the official October announcement trailer. I’ve already started working on Longbox for this year and I hope you’re all going to enjoy it!

Edited to Add: There will be a Longbox Bumper Contest this year! Working on the video for it now and will give people a month and a half to work on their entries!

Patreon-Sponsored Episodes
Patreon-sponsored review slots will be reopening in September! I’m thinking September 15th, but don’t quote me on that. As always, be reminded that the slots are first-come, first-serve – whoever gets it first gets to use it… though I encourage those who have already made requests (sometimes multiple) in the past to maybe wait a bit and give people who have never made a request before a chance to get their video in. I obviously won’t turn down your money, I just want to give everyone a chance to finally get a request in.

On that note, the system will remain from the previous year’s worth – there will be two slots. You pay $50 as a down-payment the month you sign up for the slot, then must stay until the next month when another $50 will be paid. Once that second $50 is in, your position is locked in and you can leave the slot should you desire. You’re still limited to one review request per year.

There aren’t any new conventions currently slotted for this time period, but there should be something coming up in November. I need to wait for an official announcement before it happens, but keep an eye out for an update to this post or just wait until the next State of the Wall post!

Back Issues!

  • Amazing Fantasy #15

    Does whatever a spider can! …which is apparently to be mopey and depressed. If you’re having trouble watching this video […]

  • Mightily Murdered Power Ringers #1

    Go Go Power Ringers! Go away and never come back. If you’re having trouble watching this video on the Screenwave […]

  • Comic Book Quickies #6

    From toothpaste to Transformers – it’s another Comic Book Quickies! If you’re having trouble watching this video on the Screenwave […]

  • RANDOM?!

    Feelin'... lucky?