You know the drill! Click behind the cut to see what’s happening here at AT4W!

List of Upcoming Episodes
6/8 – PATREON: Steam Wars
6/15 – Ultimate Power #1-2
6/22 – PATREON: Homestuck, Act 1
6/29 – PATREON: Atomic Robo, vol. 3

Just Imagine Stan Lee Creating… Month
7/6 – Just Imagine Stan Lee Creating Superman
7/13 – Just Imagine Stan Lee Creating Batman
7/20 – Just Imagine Stan Lee Creating Wonder Woman
7/27 – Just Imagine Stan Lee Creating the Flash

As always, this list is subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances and events.

History of Power Rangers
These are the currently planned release dates for the next two History of Power Rangers, finally catching up on the series currently being made and release. Still hoping to do the edited Youtube releases of them (finished up the first one, but that’s it), but that’s a low priority compared to everything else.

8/6 – Power Rangers Samurai
12/24 – Power Rangers Megaforce
TBA – Power Rangers DinoCharge

Longbox of the Damned: A Midsummer’s Nightmare
The scripts are all completed and I will begin filming later this month! As I’ve discussed before, some episodes will not have Moarte on screen, but of course he is narrating all of them. A trailer or two should be coming out relatively soon, but in addition I reeeaaally want to push this one, so expect to see short promos for Longbox at the end of Atop the Fourth Wall episodes this month.

In addition, the theme for this month gives me only a finite number of comics to work with, so every day in July EXCEPT Monday, expect to see a new Longbox of the Damned video. Mondays will be reserved for Atop the Fourth Wall. The October Longbox videos will proceed as normal!

AT4W Movie and Other Projects
As you can probably guess, the AT4W Movie is probably going to take up a lot of my other project time during this summer, especially since I want to have a (mostly) complete preview for it at ConBravo (not the full movie, mind you, just a bit of it). The current plan for the movie is to have it done in October (hopefully even in time for the seventh anniversary of the show) and release in at least four parts online, with a DVD release shortly afterwards in time for Christmas (and yes, the IndieGoGo sponsors will get their DVD around this time). I also need to get going on sending out the signed photos for those IndieGoGo sponsors who pledged for just that level. Of course I also have TWO Longboxes this year to put together, so that detracts from other things I might want to work on, but hey, I make a commitment and I TRY to fulfill it. I should note that I have reeeally wanted to get back to work on Pokémon Omicron, it’s just this stuff happens.

Another project that I AM making slow progress on, however, is the AT4W Episode Guide book! That was one of the Patreon Milestones and I’ve begun rewatching my old stuff in order to write ruminations and figure out the funniest jokes of the early days. And dear lord my early days are crap. XD I mean, I’ve joked about that before, but I just see how much better I’ve gotten in terms of editing, delivery, and pacing and think “Yes, the State of the Wall IS stronger now than before.”

As you’re probably aware by now, the volume 3 DVD is not coming out this summer since, well, movie and all. While the same goes for the ongoing storyline, there WILL be some storyline stuff happening this year. In case you missed it, Will Wolfgram, who played Snowflame and the Gunslinger, had to move down to Texas, hence his unexpected departure from the show last Christmas. And since I don’t want to only have myself be on screen, especially for some storyline stuff down the road, we’ll be introducing a new character this summer. Her actress has been seen on the show before in a minor role and I’ve promoted her work before, but that’s all I’ll say for now.

Too Many Games – I am quite happy to say that I will be attending Too Many Games this year! I’ll be there alongside James Rolfe (AKa the Angry Video Game Nerd), Mike Matei, the Game Chasers, Pat the NES Punk, the Living Tombstone, and many, MANY more! That’ll be June 26-28 in Oaks, PA!

Anime Midwest – And for the third year in a row I’ll also be at Anime Midwest! Aside from various voice actors, Team Four Star will be attending and most likely you’ll see some appearances by a few other Channel Awesome peeps (the Last Angry Geek is definitely coming!) since we’ll be in the Chicago area (unless they’re doing other cons)! July 3-5 in Rosemont, IL!

ConBravo – For yet another year I shall be attending ConBravo in CANADA! Aside from the fact that there will be a CRAPTON of Channel Awesome producers there, you should be heading up there for the con simply because I’ll be showing an exclusive preview of the AT4W Movie there! We’ll likely have a panel with the other cast/crew members who will be there, so that’s even more reason to go! July 24-26 in Hamilton, Ontario!

Reposting these from the last State of the Wall in case you missed them!
Just FYI if you’re still not aware of it, I have been uploading older videos (at least one year old) to youtube for a while now! If it’s easier for you to binge there, feel free, though be aware that some of the content has been edited (usually just the ending credits music) to deal with youtube’s contentID system. At the time of this State of the Wall post, two older episodes of AT4W are uploaded each week after the new one premieres here. I also add additional commentary on the episodes, sometimes long and sometimes short, that’ll eventually be compiled as ruminations for the AT4W episode guide coming out hopefully this year. You can check out the page HERE!

Please Keep Circulating the Links
As many have noticed, I’ve put a thing at the end of the credits asking people to “Keep Circulating the Links” and they’ve been wondering what that means exactly. It’s pretty simple – you like Atop the Fourth Wall? You think there are others who would like it? Circulate the links! Share the site, share the videos, and encourage people to check it out and become viewers. Hell, if it’s easier on them, share the links to the youtube page. Let’s get some new people interested in this little show about an idiot reviewing awful comic books (and sometimes Power Rangers)!

Back Issues!

  • The Star Wars #4

    The big controversy of Star Wars – was Han Solo Alec Holland first? If you’re having trouble watching this video […]

  • Digimon: Digital Monsters #1

    Be prodigious to each another. If you’re having trouble watching this video on the Screenwave player, you can view it […]

  • Journey Into Mystery #83

    Whosoever watches this review, if they be worthy… will see a comic about a Norse God battling aliens. If you’re […]

  • RANDOM?!

    Feelin'... lucky?