Literally, I mean.

See, I’ve gotten my hands on three new shelves that are just big enough to put behind the futon. They’re deep enough that I can put objects on them (or comics or whatever) and the idea dawned on me that I’ve never really been happy with the blank wall behind me. I am also not confident in my ability to put up posters, especially since I rent an apartment and don’t want to try to put them up while risking damage to the walls.

As such, I’m thinking of putting these shelves behind the futons and populating them with objects relevant to the show. As such, I’d like to know from the fans if they’d like this and if they do what they think I should put in there specifically or if they think this is a terrible idea and I should keep things the way they are.

Sooo, have at it, fanbase!

Back Issues!

  • Revolution

    The lack of Jem in this is what’s truly outrageous.

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  • RANDOM?!

    Feelin'... lucky?