There was a Silent Hill comic here. It’s gone now. Nah, just kidding – there’s nothing related to Silent Hill in this thing.

NOTE: Okay, guys, seriously, any more posts about quantum physics and that stupid cat are going to be deleted. I did not need tons and tons of comments and e-mails telling the same information about Schrodinger’s stupid cat. It was a JOKE. Point made.

Previously ...or... Next Time

Back Issues!

  • Kamandi at Earth’s End #5

    Random Geometry and Physiology at Earth’s End. If you’re having trouble watching this video on the Screenwave player, you can […]

  • Eminem/The Punisher #1

    Will the real Slim Shady please stand up… and throw this comic away? If you’re having trouble watching this video […]

  • Zero Hour: Crisis in Time

    It’s called this because they had zero hours to properly plan it.

  • RANDOM?!

    Feelin'... lucky?