Hey, guys! When I had initially announced the release date for the Ninja Steel History of Power Rangers videos, it was a few months in advance. I hadn’t realized that the same week I was supposed to work on it I’d be hosting a guest and needing to get stuff ready around the house for it.
As such, I have not had the chance to do my usual “watch the entire season in two days, record and edit in 2 days” thing I’ve done before with it. As such, while I announced this on Twitter already, I’m formally announcing here that History of Power Rangers is getting pushed back a week and I plan on releasing it on either May 31st or June 1st. Either way, look for it next week and I hope you enjoy!
Official History of Power Rangers Delay
Back Issues!
The Avengers #200
Babies and other dimensions and a whole lot of just awful. If you’re having trouble watching this video on the […]
Secret Wars II
Maybe this should have STAYED a secret.
Marville #2
Didn’t think the first issue was too bad? You haven’t seen anything yet. If you’re having trouble watching this video […]
Feelin'... lucky?