Hey, everyone! I was hoping that since the next episode was a Comic Book Quickies, I’d be able to get it completed while still working on the movie. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Sadly, I’m swamped with working on the AT4W Movie and therefore will be unable to get the episode finished before Monday. My apologies for the delay. I’ll have the episode ready by Wednesday/Thursday and hopefully be back on schedule for the following Monday. Thanks for your patience and understanding!
Next Episode Delayed
Back Issues!
Super Soldier #1
Who’s strong and brave; here to save the American way? Someone who’s faster than a speeding bullet, of course!
JLA: Act of God Part 3
The finale to the deus ex massive piece of crap that is this Elseworlds Tale. If you’re having trouble watching […]
Extreme Super Christmas Special #1
Nothing like a yuletide yawner to celebrate the season. If you’re having trouble watching this video on the Screenwave player, […]
Feelin'... lucky?