Linkara begins a new Let’s Play! This one is for the fan-made Pokémon game Pokémon Omicron! But does he have the swag to save his home from terrorists? In episode 2, Linkara begins capturing Pokémon! It involves lots of butts.

Back Issues!

  • DC Challenge! #5

    The real challenge is for creators to stop introducing new characters. They’re failing.

  • Blue-Skying, Part 2: Blue Beetle Ted Kord

    Blue-Skying continues with the second Blue Beetle! Will Ted Kord combat crime lord Big Dix… or, like us, will he […]

  • Comic Book Quickies #1

    Love, genocide, and fruit pies! All the combinations for a fun time! And that’s terrible. If you’re having trouble watching […]

  • RANDOM?!

    Feelin'... lucky?