I Be Published Again!


Well, kinda-sorta. ^_~

Let me explain – a year or two ago, before I started the show, I was looking for indy publishers, in particular anthology stuff, in the hopes of building up some resume fodder to eventually make into the big leagues. Now from that have been two anthologies that STILL have yet to see publishing (one a Vampire story I need to send another e-mail about, the other I doubt will ever see the light of day), but another is a prose story I did for the Hamtramck Idea Men.

If-X Volume 2 #2 is now available for purchase, and it features a prose story I wrote a while back. Not my best work, but might be good for some chuckles for those interested. ^_~

You can find it here: IF-X #2!

Back Issues!

  • Freak Force #1

    It’s 90s Kid’s turn to fend off a comic! …or, rather, help it along, it seems… If you’re having trouble […]

  • The Top 15 Worst Moments of Countdown

    The 15 most awful moments from the dreaded series! If you’re having trouble watching this video on the Screenwave player, […]

  • Batman: Odyssey #2

    A comic where Batman reminisces about the time he shot his guns a lot.

  • RANDOM?!

    Feelin'... lucky?