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The History of Power Rangers returns with an alternate dimension where they’re fighting an evil machine empire! …It’s so different from the normal universe! It has all the silliness of Power Rangers – government stripping of personal freedom, corruption and collusion with organized crime, and nightmarish visions implanted by robots.

Back Issues!

  • Superman’s Christmas Adventure

    Less an “adventure” and more “Superman invades people’s privacy and doesn’t punish the villains.” If you’re having trouble watching this […]

  • Speed Steer #5

    More powerful than a locoMOOtive! Faster than a speeding BOVINE! Able to leap over tall moons in a single bound! […]

  • Hellblazer: Dangerous Habits

    I just kind of assumed that John Constantine was BORN with a cigarette and stubble already with him.

  • RANDOM?!

    Feelin'... lucky?