The History of Power Rangers celebrates the show’s 20th anniversary with Megaforce! After joining forces with a rapping robot and fighting some Captain Planet rejects, the show goes SUPER! Super mediocre, super lazy, and super frustrating! It concludes with tributes that get names and details wrong, plus a legendary headache- erm, I mean battle!

Back Issues!

  • Dr. Doom’s Revenge!

    Personally I think we should have given the sanctions against Dr. Doom more time. If you’re having trouble watching this […]

  • Sadako at the End of the World

    After the apocalypse, the only things that will survive are cockroaches and VHS tapes.

  • Ravage 2099 #1

    Fighting pollution has never looked this stupid. If you’re having trouble watching this video on the Screenwave player, you can […]

  • RANDOM?!

    Feelin'... lucky?