NOTE: These videos are currently down due to the end of VidMe. Revised editions of these videos will be made available at a later date. You can read the full details of what happened HERE.

I sadly didn’t have time (or inspiration) to think of and put together a joke review for April Fool’s Day, so enjoy the introduction to my new limited series the History of Power Rangers.

Wait, I’m actually putting together a video series analyzing Power Rangers? The joke’s on me!

Back Issues!

  • Captain America: Return of the Asthma Monster

    Yes, a villain so good that people DEMANDED his return! After all, YOU remember the asthma monster, right? If you’re […]

  • Blake’s 7 #2

    I’m still shocked this show lasted as long as it did without making a single “Avon calling!” joke. If you’re […]

  • US-1 #8

    Honestly, with this book we should just expect a bunch of trucks to form into a Megazord or something.

  • RANDOM?!

    Feelin'... lucky?