Okay, since I’ve already received a half-dozen e-mails about this, YES I know Disney now owns Marvel. If I have something to say about it, I will say it.

Otherwise, the only Marvel-related news I have for you all is that Nightcat #1 will be released in a few hours.

Back Issues!

  • Care Bears #13

    The crossover nobody asked for and nobody remembered when it was done! If you’re having trouble watching this video on […]

  • Star Trek #2

    Behold this classic tale of the starship Enterprise… and how her crew is incredibly incompetent. If you’re having trouble watching […]

  • Sword Interval: Flashback Arc

    The title of the comic makes sense in context, but with this one it really should have been called “Bat […]

  • RANDOM?!

    Feelin'... lucky?