Worlds lived, worlds died… and then they lived again. And died again. And lived again. We’re just kind of used to it by now.

If you’re having trouble watching these videos on the current player, you can view them on youtube here:
Part 1
Part 2

Previously ...or... Next Time

Back Issues!

  • Team Youngblood #1

    Hey, I’ve got an idea – let’s release ANOTHER book about these characters when we can’t even get ONE out […]

  • Spider-Man: Maximum Carnage

    Oh, sure, they SAY it’s maximum, but couldn’t we squeeze in some more? It’s only FOURTEEN issues of it!

  • 22 Brides #1

    According to an episode of “Behind the Music” about the 22 Brides, they used artificial growth hormone to try to […]

  • RANDOM?!

    Feelin'... lucky?