Hey, everybody! Been really busy around here so I didn’t get a chance to announce it sooner, but I will be attending Nerd & Tie Expo in Eau Claire, Wisconsin this September! It is at the Plaza Hotel and Suites on September 23rd-25th and should be a lot of fun! You can check out more details at their site HERE! Don’t know if I’ll be doing a live show this time, but I’ll bring merch to sell and they’re probably going to put me on some panels, sooo maybe I’ll bring a few goodies for people to watch!

Back Issues!

  • Isaac Asimov’s I-Bots #1

    Aaand Apple Computer lawsuit in 5…4…3… Another text review turned to video!

  • All-Star Batman and Robin #8

    Let’s put a frown on that face! If you’re having trouble watching this video on the Screenwave player, you can […]

  • Psychoman #1

    A startling deconstruction of superheroes in the real world! …Or, just a really stupid black and white comic about an […]

  • RANDOM?!

    Feelin'... lucky?