Commercial Bumpers


People asked for it, so here they are – all the commercial bumpers made for the show! This also includes a Longbox of the Damned one that was produced but I was waiting to premiere during October. Since the Patreon ended the bumpers, naturally it will likely not see the light of day outside of this video.

Back Issues!

  • The Punisher #60

    So we’ve got this guy who shoots guns and kills criminals. What weird crap can we throw at him this […]

  • Star Trek: First Contact

    It removes all character and emotion and individuality. No, not the Borg – the dreaded comic adaptation of a movie. […]

  • Brute Force #3

    Cyborg animals, swamp monsters, and the Airzone Solution. It must be Brute Force! If you’re having trouble watching this video […]

  • RANDOM?!

    Feelin'... lucky?