Sooo, I get my comics today and my shop put in a free ad into the bag, in this case for an upcoming Spider-Man storyline. By now people should know how I feel about the entire One More Day/Brand New Day fiasco, so I just had to laugh when I saw this:

Anyone else think that the marketing department did this on purpose?

Back Issues!

  • Youngblood: Strikefile #5

    Someday, a Youngblood character will brave an ancient temple to try to find whatever was taken out of this comic […]

  • Batman: A Word to the Wise

    Zellers teaches you why reading is important! Also: cowboy hats. If you’re having trouble watching this video on the Screenwave […]

  • The Culling, Part 2: Superboy #9

    The battle to save- erm, the battle to preserve- uhh… the battle for- …what are we all fighting for, exactly? […]

  • RANDOM?!

    Feelin'... lucky?