In honor of the second DVD’s release, the first DVD has been reduced in price to $15! Unfortunately, at this time I have not been able to figure out a way to create a bundle price for the two together, but at the very least shipping is combined!

Click HERE to order the DVDs with a credit card!

Click HERE to order the DVDs with Paypal!

I will also have copies of both DVDs for sale at Animinneapolis this weekend!


While Kunaki asks you for a shipping address for the order, if you don’t have a shipping address set up with Paypal, THE ORDER WILL NOT GO THROUGH. The money will still go to me, but you will get nothing. Obviously this is not a fair arrangement, so make sure that when you order it with Paypal that you have a shipping address set up! If you didn’t have one before and already ordered it, contact me and I will arrange for it to be shipped to you. Thanks!

Back Issues!

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  • RANDOM?!

    Feelin'... lucky?