For those who have not been following my Twitter, I’ve sadly been having some health problems. It’s nothing serious, but right after recording the Comic Book Quickies episode I got a cold and it passed within two days or so… the problem is that my recovery from the cold has not been so smooth.

Basically, my throat has refused to clear. Yes, I’ve done all the home remedies you can recommend (tea, honey, gargling, etc.) and it has not helped. I have SLOWLY been getting better day by day and even attempted to film Part 1 of the 500th episode yesterday… and I was seriously unhappy with how it turned out. For an episode like this, I want my A-game to be present and especially in light of me being sick eating up all the extra time I had set aside for making the 500th, I’ve decided it’d be best to just delay it a few days.

As such, the 500th episode will now premiere (assuming no new catastrophes) on Wednesday, May 9th at 4 PM Central time. The current plan is for it to be in 3 parts… although given the fact that this will likely be the LONGEST episode of Atop the Fourth Wall by far (longer than Holy Terror, even) that may end up getting extended to 4 parts, soooo yeah that’s where we’re at.

However, because of the fact that most people can’t really take time off in the middle of the day at their jobs, the 500th Episode Celebration Livestream is still going forward on Sunday May 6th! It’ll start at 1 PM Central time and likely last into the evening (probably no later than 9 or 10 PM Central).

The plan is to air it on youtube (unless something happens that requires me to shift to Twitch) and we’re going to have ourselves a blast. The current plan includes showing episodes, trivia, insights from other producers, a live cast commentary over the AT4W Movie, Q&A, Jackbox games, and (if I can finish the grinding I need to do), the finale to Pokémon Omicron! I know the episodes that have been put up haven’t caught up, but hey, it’s going to be the Elite 4 run and I think people will enjoy it regardless.

Yes, the livestream will be archived on youtube to watch later if you miss it and will be announced on social media and on the site when it starts up.

Thank you all for your continued patience and sorry about the delay for the episode itself. Trust me, it’ll be worth the wait!

Back Issues!

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  • RANDOM?!

    Feelin'... lucky?