You know the drill! Check under the cut to see what’s coming up, and don’t forget to check out the latest episode right below this post!

Schedule of Upcoming Episodes
3/30 – PATREON: Crimson #1
4/6 – PATREON: Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines (RPG Video Game)
4/13 – PATREON: Titans: Scissors, Paper, Stone
4/20 – PSA Hell: Batman: Shadow of the Bat #57
4/27 – Comic Book Quickies #5
5/4 – PATREON: My Cage (Comic Strip)
5/11 – PATREON: Doctor Who/Star Trek: The Next Generation: Assimilation 0.2
5/18 – The Punisher #60
5/25 – The Punisher #61
6/1 – The Punisher #62

As you can see, I’m switching around the release dates for the last episode of March and the first of April. This is because of three factors:
-I was sick last week, making me lose 3-4 days of productivity and screwing up my plan of being ahead.
-History of Power Rangers: RPM took 3 days to complete and combined with being sick, slowed down my ability to record audio for it.
-I went to AggieCon at the end of the month, which again made me lose work time and I simply don’t have enough time to play the game, capture footage for the game, and then record the episode and edit it all with only three days to work on it (I flew out on Thursday).

Just a reminder that with the movie production coming up, there will not be a full storyline this year. If there are storyline bits, they will be smaller bits on an occasional episode to introduce new things, like with Pollo’s new voice back in the ROMtrospective. I do plan on doing a Halloween storyline this year, though.

History of Power Rangers

Well, I have now fulfilled all the release dates I had originally set for History of Power Rangers after the Patreon fulfilled that milestone. Just a reminder, yes Samurai and Megaforce will not be split in their seasons for their “super” second seasons. Originally I had planned to split them, but honestly there just isn’t enough story in either to justify that. If you haven’t seen it yet, the RPM videos are now up and can be seen HERE.

People have also been asking me what, if any, projects I will undertake once I complete History of Power Rangers this year, since it will take some time for Dino Charge to finish up. The answer a this time is: nothing. Quite frankly, I took on History of Power Rangers back in the day because my interest in Power Rangers was rekindled due to the Mechakara arc conclusion. It is now five years later and only NOW does the end seem to be in sight. This has always been a side project, and while I’m extremely happy and grateful for all the interest in HOPR and how I’ve renewed other people’s interest in the show… it’s a large undertaking and frankly I’ve gotten burned out on it more than once due to harassment in the past from people demanding I work on it (see the often-mocked opening for the Wild Force retrospective). While I have SOME interest in doing something like it for other shows like Yu-Gi-Oh GX or Power Rangers-esque shows like Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters or VR Troopers, at this time I’m just looking forward to having it pretty much DONE WITH. My opinion on this will most likely change with time, but at the moment I have no plans to do so. I will probably still do my “Corrections” video that I had planned on doing before… but of course we also have that issue of me planning on doing something like that when I had thought Power Rangers was over and that is no longer the case.

Others have asked if I will do my “Top 5/10/15 Rangers/Villains/Seasons/Etc.” as filler. I equally have no desire to do that. Honestly, I don’t think about that kind of thing. I have my favorites in things and I’m usually pretty good in stating said favorites within the videos. In Space is still my favorite season, Zedd is still my favorite villain, and honestly I don’t really have a single favorite Ranger.

But still, since we’re still at that level for release dates of History of Power Rangers stuff, here are the dates:
8/6 – Power Rangers Samurai
12/24 – Power Rangers Megaforce
TBA – Power Rangers DinoCharge

I’ve done a few podcast interviews recently!

Here is one of them, if you’re interested: HERE BE PODCAST

Movie Stuff
A frequent question that has popped up lately is when people can expect to see their rewards for the IndieGoGo campaign. I thought I had been clear about this, but allow me to reiterate: rewards will be sent out all together, so if your reward was ALL Atop the Fourth Wall DVDs, they will be sent out ALONG with the movie DVD. And since the DVD for the movie isn’t coming out for several months, that is when you can expect to see them. However, if that is unsatisfactory to you, you can send me an e-mail via the contact section of the site and let me know that you’d prefer them sooner. Just provide me with your name and the date of your IndieGoGo contribution and I will take care of it for you.

I also owe a big apology to my Patreon sponsors since I STILL haven’t put up those behind the scenes pictures of the set under construction. I’m going to post up a few after I finish writing this out with hopefully more later this week (being sick AND AggieCon prevented me from heading out to see the progress until now) to get some more photos to put up. I’ll then post them up on the site a few days later just so that people who contributed to the campaign (but not necessarily the Patreon) can have a chance to see them, as well.

Let’s Play Pokémon Omicron
As with all things, production is slow on side projects when I’m busy and hoooolyyyyy crap am I busy with movie stuff and getting episodes done with early. While I have plenty of unedited footage from my last session, I have run out of edited episodes of Omicron and, well, I’ve got other things to prioritize at the moment. Needless to say the series is not dead, it’s just I’m working on other stuff and once I run out of footage we’ll do another livestream to do more.

Midwest Media Expo – I will be going to Midwest Media Expo for its second year! This time I will be joined by the Nostalgia Critic team (Doug Walker, Rob Walker, Malcolm Ray, and Tamara Chambers), Rantasmo, and Brad Jones! April 10-12 in Detroit, MI!

Animinneapolis – For the third year in a row, I’ll be a guest of Animinneapolis! It’s a fun local con for me and if you’re living up here in the northern wasteland that is Minnesota, come check it out! May 8-10 in Minneapolis, MN!

Too Many Games – I am quite happy to say that I will be attending Too Many Games this year! I’ll be there alongside James Rolfe (AKa the Angry Video Game Nerd), Mike Matei, the Game Chasers, Pat the NES Punk, the Living Tombstone, and many, MANY more! That’ll be June 26-28 in Oaks, PA!

Anime Midwest – And for the third year in a row I’ll also be at Anime Midwest! Aside from various voice actors, Team Four Star will be attending and most likely you’ll see some appearances by a few other Channel Awesome peeps (the Last Angry Geek is definitely coming!) since we’ll be in the Chicago area (unless they’re doing other cons)! July 3-5 in Rosemont, IL!

Reposting these from the last State of the Wall in case you missed them!
Just FYI if you’re still not aware of it, I have been uploading older videos (at least one year old) to youtube for a while now! If it’s easier for you to binge there, feel free, though be aware that some of the content has been edited (usually just the ending credits music) to deal with youtube’s contentID system. At the time of this State of the Wall post, two older episodes of AT4W are uploaded each week after the new one premieres here. I also add additional commentary on the episodes, sometimes long and sometimes short, that’ll eventually be compiled as ruminations for the AT4W episode guide coming out hopefully this year. You can check out the page HERE!

Please Keep Circulating the Links
As many have noticed, I’ve put a thing at the end of the credits asking people to “Keep Circulating the Links” and they’ve been wondering what that means exactly. It’s pretty simple – you like Atop the Fourth Wall? You think there are others who would like it? Circulate the links! Share the site, share the videos, and encourage people to check it out and become viewers. Hell, if it’s easier on them, share the links to the youtube page. Let’s get some new people interested in this little show about an idiot reviewing awful comic books (and sometimes Power Rangers)!

Back Issues!

  • Mr. T and the T-Force #9

    The dark side of the T-Force is a pathway to many… punches from Mr. T for misusing it.

  • Youngblood: Strikefile #3

    Die Hard is actually an apt name for a superhero in this series because it just won’t die.

  • Superman vs. Aliens #1

    Faster than a facehugger! Able to leap over xenomorph queens in a single bound! Purchase the DVD here: Purchase […]

  • RANDOM?!

    Feelin'... lucky?