NOTE: Videos are currently down due to issues with Vimeo. New embeds will be available as soon as possible.

The History of Power Rangers returns with an alternate dimension where they’re fighting an evil machine empire! …It’s so different from the normal universe! It has all the silliness of Power Rangers – government stripping of personal freedom, corruption and collusion with organized crime, and nightmarish visions implanted by robots.

Back Issues!

  • Trouble #4

    You’d think a shoulder devil would possess more tact than this.

  • Mr. T and the T-Force #2

    Remember, kids – don’t do drugs or else you’ll fight against demonic dinosaurs. Mr. T taught me that! If you’re […]

  • Power Rangers Zeo #1

    We interrupt the Cry for Justice review with something with worse art but a more entertaining story involving robots! If […]

  • RANDOM?!

    Feelin'... lucky?