Here’s my advice:

Don’t buy it.

Ignore it. Ignore the hype. Ignore the fact that a President is on a cover (ZOMG, we’ve NEVER seen THAT before!). Ignore the fact that it’s Spider-Man meeting the new President.

It’s a marketing gimmick. That’s all. And so far it’s worked perfectly.

The fact of the matter is that this is nothing new. This is not some hot item that’ll be worth thousands of dollars in a few years. This thing is entering it’s THIRD PRINTING already. No one wants to spend millions of dollars on an item that isn’t rare.

And you could have Jesus appear in the comic for all I care saying how much he loves Spider-Man, it WON’T undue him making a literal deal with the devil himself.

So don’t buy it. Don’t try to recreate the Superman #75 debacle from the early 90s. Don’t support a book whose main protagonist supports solving your problems by negotiating with evil.

Just don’t.

EDIT: Because of a continual attempt at spamming, I’m closing comments on this one.

Damn Obvious Assault

Sadly, I can’t sum up Marvel’s Secret Invasion series properly myself, so I leave it to better hands:

The Invincible Super-Blog’s “Secret Invasion in 30 seconds”

The Last Angry Geek has a different name for the event than “Secret Invasion”

Uncanny X-Men #424

Some books inspire people to become Catholic. This book inspires Catholics to laugh their heads off over how someone doesn’t know anything about their religion.

If you’re having trouble watching this video on the Screenwave player, you can view it on youtube HERE.

Well, at least Issue 5 got good…

And now, in light of the major spoilers from the last post, allow me instead to make a different sort of illustration. See, since this blog is really all about bad comics from the past, Civil War is technically a bad comic from the past, so let’s use this to start a new segment: These Guys Should’ve Done It!

The simple fact of the matter with Civil War is that they had a great debating question and Marvel dropped the ball with it. So, instead let’s bring out our contenders.

On the pro-registration side, we have David Willis of Shortpacked! fame.

On the anti-registration side, I have whoever it was that wrote this parody/response of Sally Floyd’s famous “America’s all about MySpace and Youtube and not ideals” bullcrap:

Now THAT would be a cool debate in a comic book and we wouldn’t have had to sit through that nonsense that spun out of it.