According to Captain Planet, the power is mine. And that’s true – I have the power to fling this comic right at the wall.
If you’re having trouble watching this video on the Screenwave player, you can view it on youtube HERE.
ALSO: TGWTG 1st Anniversary Dance-off!
I find myself very privileged to be working beside all of these talented people. ^_^
Thanks for all the support, everybody!
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Tagged vlog
More or less: Good movie, bad Star Trek movie.
Allow this to also serve as my formal statement that I did not see the Wolverine movie, nor did I have any intention of seeing the Wolverine movie, nor will I go see the Wolverine movie. And considering the negative reviews I’ve been seeing, especially in regards to a certain Merc with a Mouth, I just thought I’d share a panel from today’s issue, Deadpool #10.
And for those who don’t read the book, it’s even funnier in context. I would SO read a book where every issue Deadpool was just a total annoying dick to Norman Osborn.
ALTERNATE CAPTION: I wonder if Deadpool believes in camping?