Damn Obvious Assault


Sadly, I can’t sum up Marvel’s Secret Invasion series properly myself, so I leave it to better hands:

The Invincible Super-Blog’s “Secret Invasion in 30 seconds”

The Last Angry Geek has a different name for the event than “Secret Invasion”

Back Issues!

  • Little Victory: Chimera #1

    I don’t know if I’d classify “battle giant robots” and “defeating evil demon mask” as “little” victories.

  • DC Challenge! #5

    The real challenge is for creators to stop introducing new characters. They’re failing.

  • Marvel Comics #1 (The Human Torch)

    Got to love how scientific research in comic books doesn’t really need to have any specific purpose. Pre-order the “When’s […]

  • RANDOM?!

    Feelin'... lucky?