Damn Obvious Assault


Sadly, I can’t sum up Marvel’s Secret Invasion series properly myself, so I leave it to better hands:

The Invincible Super-Blog’s “Secret Invasion in 30 seconds”

The Last Angry Geek has a different name for the event than “Secret Invasion”

Back Issues!

  • Journey Into Mystery #83

    Whosoever watches this review, if they be worthy… will see a comic about a Norse God battling aliens. If you’re […]

  • Action Comics #775

    Nothing like doing VERY villainous things to show your team is made of good guys!

  • Atop the Fourth Wall 100th Episode

    What Sonic comic has Linkara been forced to do for his 100th episode? If you’re having trouble watching this video […]

  • RANDOM?!

    Feelin'... lucky?