52 in 5 Panels

This Comic in 5 Panels contains a clue!


“Most of the great graphic novels are gone, and ‘Youngblood’ is one of the few comicbooks left with tentpole potential,” Ratner told Daily Variety. “It was a real personal passion project for me, and a lot of people wanted (‘Youngblood’), but the amazing thing about the guys at Reliance is the speed with which they’re able to move.”

Well, it’s official: Brett Ratner is either an idiot or insane.

Or possibly a robot duplicate.

Because no one, NO ONE wants a Youngblood movie outside of the year 1992. And NO ONE would call “Youngblood” one of the greatest graphic novels of all time.

Newmen #1

WARNING: This comic may make your eyes disappear!

If you’re having trouble watching this video on the Screenwave player, you can view it on youtube HERE.

Hey, everybody. Blip.tv is having a slow month with their ads, so there have been as many playing during the videos. However, some DO play and the thing is, that’s how I get money to fund this little activity.

As such, I humbly request that those here that watch my videos don’t close the ads if they pop up (I rarely do anything with the bottom of the screen, anyway, and anything I do use will be viewable in full screen, anyway) and maybe once in awhile click the ads, since that gives me an even better cut. You don’t have to actually care about the thing they’re advertising, but it encourages Blip to give me money and it encourages advertisers to continue working with Blip.


Star Trek #1

To boldly and shamelessly steal where no one has stolen from before!

If you’re having trouble watching this video on the Screenwave player, you can view it on youtube HERE.