Batman: Jazz #2

This entire endeavor will be a failure if we don’t see Batman playing a saxophone at some point.

If you’re having trouble watching this video on the Screenwave player, you can view it on youtube HERE.

Soooo I’ve got this problem: I have a few ideas for Longbox of the Damned theme months. I want to do a Godzillathon, I want to do a Twilight Zone marathon, I want to do Rise of the Marvel Zombies…

…but I’ve also got a LOOOOOOT of other horror comics I want to talk about. So many that I can’t see myself taking regular Longbox time during October off to try to do the theme months. I’ve proposed doing a “Midsummer’s Nightmare” of Longbox of the Damned before, but the thing I’ve learned both from last year’s Longbox episodes AND the three I recorded for the DVD is that putting on the makeup and decorating the set and whatnot are time-consuming and difficult to do, especially doing A LOT of them all in a row. As such, I had an inspiration that I wanted to get an opinion on from all of you:

Would you be interested in seeing Longbox of the Damned episodes during the summer with the theme month, but ONLY as voiceover? It can be argued that Moarte wouldn’t rise out of season and he was conducting them from his dark crypt before he rises again. Is that something you would enjoy seeing or would you prefer it be kept to October and DVD episodes where you can actually see him?

Linkara and Viga go and see Maleficent!

Speed Steer #5

More powerful than a locoMOOtive! Faster than a speeding BOVINE! Able to leap over tall moons in a single bound!

If you’re having trouble watching this video on the Screenwave player, you can view it on youtube HERE.

Transmission Awesome, the official podcast of Channel Awesome, triumphantly returns!

And who is their first guest? ME! I talk about the new site, the new DVD, and the movie!

NOTE: Unfortunately, at this time this video is down after the Blip closing. When it’s uploaded to a new location, this shall be replaced.