Nerd to the 3rd


One of the other interviews (well, not really interview, but rather discussion) I did last week was for the podcast Nerd to the 3rd from TGWTG! I and comic fan Travis discuss mega-crossovers!

Back Issues!

  • Rise of Arsenal #1-2

    More melodrama than you can swing a dead cat at! If you’re having trouble watching this video on the Screenwave […]

  • Pokémon: The Electric Tale of Pikachu #1

    It’s Linkara vs. the Entity! But what are the origins of this creature and what does it have to do […]

  • Action Comics #252

    The Supergirl from Krypton! …Just in case you thought she was the Supergirl from Branson, Missouri. If you’re having trouble […]

  • RANDOM?!

    Feelin'... lucky?