NOTE: Videos are currently down due to issues with Vimeo. New embeds will be available as soon as possible.

History of Power Rangers returns with a series about believing in magic, so come along with me – we’ll dance until morning ’til it’s just you and me. It continues as the Rangers- hmmm? Rangers? Who are the Rangers? And then concludes with a- wait, what’s that?! Okay, plot point over, and I- what the- erm… well, it’s over.

Back Issues!

  • All-Star Batman and Robin #8

    Let’s put a frown on that face! If you’re having trouble watching this video on the Screenwave player, you can […]

  • Athena #3

    Answers finally revealed! …well, okay, maybe like ONE is revealed. Sort of. Check out the Patreon Viewers’ Choice Review Poll […]

  • Superman’s Christmas Adventure

    Less an “adventure” and more “Superman invades people’s privacy and doesn’t punish the villains.” If you’re having trouble watching this […]

  • RANDOM?!

    Feelin'... lucky?