Less an “adventure” and more “Superman invades people’s privacy and doesn’t punish the villains.”

If you’re having trouble watching this video on the Screenwave player, you can view it on youtube HERE.

NOTE: Many people have been quick to point out that historically, the use of “X” for Xmas has historical connotations and has been done for hundreds of years, so it’s not like it’s some vast conspiracy to take Christ out of Christmas, in particular that “X” is Greek for the first part of Christ, the Ch.

HOWEVER, I would argue that unless you’re WRITING in Greek, the replacement of Christ with “X” has no real function in a modern-day capacity, seeing as (at least I am and the comic is) it’s being written here IN MODERN ENGLISH. There’s something to be said for using it for space-saving purposes, yet in the comic they flip-flop and use it both ways for no real reason. But whatever, I’m just pointing out that you can start making a gajillion comments about other things now, like how Clark’s parents were dead in the Golden Age continuity.

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