Contacting Me


Numerous people have been trying to contact me over Skype or asking me for Twitter information, so let me clear some stuff up:

PLEASE do not try to contact me over Skype. Not that I don’t like talking to fans, but I use Skype to contact other content producers on TGWTG and I don’t appreciated random people wanting to talk to me. If you want to talk to me, please just shoot me an e-mail. I usually respond (though AOL and Comcast seem to have issues with my e-mail server) and I’m more than happy to read what you have to say there.

Now, as for Twitter. Yes, I have a Twitter, but I don’t use it. I signed up so I could message someone over it. That being said, the “at4w” account is not mine. I’m not sure who set it up, but whoever did it I’d appreciate it if they closed it, since I don’t appreciate people impersonating me. That’s it! Revolution of the Mask Issue 2 coming soon!

Back Issues!

  • The Avengers #200

    Babies and other dimensions and a whole lot of just awful. If you’re having trouble watching this video on the […]

  • Ninjutsu #1-2

    Providing such useful insights about ninjas like “they camouflage.”

  • The Culling, Part 2: Superboy #9

    The battle to save- erm, the battle to preserve- uhh… the battle for- …what are we all fighting for, exactly? […]

  • RANDOM?!

    Feelin'... lucky?