So basically by Frank Miller’s own admission here Batman is a rude, murderous child abductor who cares what twelve year-olds think about his toys and eats rats when not mourning the loss of the bloody, incestuous affair he had with his mother.

Two More Text Reviews Turned Video! (Haven’t said THAT in a while…)

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Previously ...or... Next Time

Back Issues!

  • Batman: The Dark Knight #23.4

    A comic that makes you want to wear someone else’s face to hide how embarrassed you are by it.

  • Ultimatum #5

    The event comic concludes with nothing having been achieved! If you’re having trouble watching this video on the Screenwave player, […]

  • Plan 9 From Outer Space: 30 Years Later #1

    Future events such as these will affect us… in 1991. If you’re having trouble watching this video on the Screenwave […]

  • RANDOM?!

    Feelin'... lucky?