Sooo a while ago I announced that I did a cameo for a crowdfunded webseries called Super Academy. Well, I accidentally forgot to post up the first episode (third episode came out today and I’ll be posting that one up tomorrow) and so here you go, enjoy! Admittedly, I’m a very small part of the first episode, but it’s worth checking out the whole thing, IMHO.

If you’re interested in seeing more, you can check out the rest of the series HERE!

Back Issues!

  • Little Victory: Chimera #1

    I don’t know if I’d classify “battle giant robots” and “defeating evil demon mask” as “little” victories.

  • Ultimates 3 #3 and 4

    Ultimately tedious! Ultimately grating! Ultimately sex-crazed! If you’re having trouble watching this video on the Screenwave player, you can view […]

  • Target $20 Lamp Review

    Linkara finally reviews a lamp! …Or does he?

  • RANDOM?!

    Feelin'... lucky?