You know the drill! It’s time for the State of the Wall, where I talk about upcoming episodes, the current state of several projects, and various other things you can look forward to!

Schedule of Upcoming Episodes
8/7 – PATREON: Asterix: The Legionary
8/14 – Comic Book Quickies #7
8/21 – PATREON: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventures Episodes 1-4 (2012-2013 series)
8/28 – PATREON: Thunderbirds Are Go
9/4 – Batman: The Official Movie Adaptation
9/11 – PATREON: Ultimate Iron Man vol. 1 #1-2
9/18 – PATREON: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #11-12
9/25 – PATREON: Stormwatch #0

EDIT: It seems I accidentally failed to put up a Patreon-sponsored review for September 25th. The US-1 #7 review is cancelled (or, at least, pushed to next year) to make room for a Patreon-sponsored review of Stormwatch #0.

As always, the schedule is subject to change depending on whim or some other factor that prevents me from looking at it, though the Patreon-sponsored episodes are pretty much set. Unfortunately, as you can see, there is no big obvious point where the current storyline will end. That’s mostly because, as I have said many times, the storyline was originally supposed to end last year at Halloween (for now very obvious reasons) with the Ghostbusters II review being its central conclusion. Still, even if it’s not the same on a thematic level, the conclusion to the Sleepwalker should be suitably big and (hopefully) satisfying for as long as it’s happened.

There are currently about 4-5 segments still left in it (with possible changes occurring because of something happening at the last minute or combining remaining segments together, but there are pretty well-defined beginning and ending points for them). The plan is to have them over by the time September ends so that October will have its own arc beginning the long-awaited Contest of Champions storyline. The October arc will be suitably horror-themed while also following up on the events of The Sleepwalker, while Contest of Champions overall should just be a fun romp.

The only downside is that because of all these delays, it is likely that the 10th Anniversary storyline will be condensed into a smaller arc – likely just 2018’s October stuff, but even if that does happen, it should still be doable and satisfying as a celebration of the show’s 10th anniversary.

Longbox of the Damned
In case you somehow missed it, the Longbox of the Damned 2017 Bumper Contest is on! Click on that link to check it out and send something in! I’ve gotten some entries in already, but there’s still a month and a half to go to send in stuff for it!

The other good news is that I’m well underway writing Longbox episodes. Considering all that I’m doing over the next few months, I NEED to actually have them written and ready to be filmed on time, as opposed to some other years where I’ve only written the live action segments and written the voiceover portions mere days before the vide is to go up. Skipping the summer Longbox videos for this year was the right call to make, though I’m hoping they will make a triumphant return next year.

The Longbox of the Damned movie script is momentarily stalled. I’ve had a regular day almost every week to work on it, but that is now taking a back seat so I can focus on getting this year’s Longbox scripts completed. The good news is that I’d say the script’s first draft is about 60-75% done. After that, I’ll be sending it to several people whose opinions I trust (they also helped shore up the problems of the AT4W Movie’s script) to look it over and see what can be done for the next draft. It’s likely that filming for it will happen in 2019 with storyline taking a break during that time. Any kind of fundraising or auditions for the film will be announced as we get closer to the movie being a definite deal. In the meantime, just enjoy the regular Longbox videos!

Player Changeover Progress
By this point, all Longbox of the Damned videos have had their embed codes replaced, although in their case I decided to switch them to just being youtube embeds – if and when I need to do YET ANOTHER video changeover, not needing to replace 200+ shorter videos is useful. That being said, this year’s Longbox WILL follow the standard formula – site embed with the player with links to youtube.

As many have been keen to STILL point out, despite me mentioning it last time, plenty of History of Power Rangers videos are still down. Happily, less so than before. I’ve taken the liberty of editing out longer clips, making them unlisted, added borders, and put them back up through Time Force. Other priorities have kept me from continuing with the replacements, but it WILL happen.

Live Shows have all been replaced and should all be viewable either on or on youtube. Other videos, like vlogs or the like, are sadly less of a priority so it’s likely you won’t see their replacement for some time (or at least until someone comments that they’re missing, in which case I’ll get to replacing them).

Let’s Play Pokémon Omicron
The next Pokémon Omicron Livestream is tentatively scheduled for September 4th at 7 PM at! That being said, we ran into several problems recording the last stream, not the least of which being that Fraps refused to record the Xsplit stream, instead trying to record everything EXCEPT Xsplit. If anyone has any suggestions to get around this (and yeah, switching to OBS is likely an option), it’d be helpful. We got around it by just transferring the Twitch stream to youtube for me to get the footage, but the downside of that is that we’ve also been running into problems with the audio during streams, wherein our voices get very distorted and difficult to hear. This is not a problem with either the microphones or Skype, since I and the other streamer are able to hear each other without difficulty, so something else seems to be happening in between. Any suggestions for correcting that would be appreciated.

I’d also like to hear if people would prefer I stream on youtube instead of Twitch and the arguments for one over the other. Thanks for any help or suggestions there!

History of Power Rangers
As a reminder, a History of Power Rangers video for Ninja Steel is not going to occur until both seasons are fully available on DVD (preferably in season box sets) and as such I have not watched any of it. Please avoid spoilers or spoileriffic questions.

Due to everything else on my plate, I sadly will not have time to edit the youtube version of the Power Rangers in Space videos until December. I apologize for the inconvenience there, but it is what it is and fortunately they SHOULD proceed more rapidly after that, since the thing that has been holding me back on working on that since then is my desire to keep the “Under Pressure” music video portion of it without the video being flagged (no, I cannot make it a separate video because that defeats the entire purpose of it BEING IN THE VIDEO). A cover will be commissioned and hopefully that will be enough to get around it (it was not enough for the 400th episode on youtube, whose Beatles parody covers currently have both parts flagged due to another company owning the rights to the songs’ compositions).

DVD Volume 3 Released!
In case you somehow missed the announcement, Atop the Fourth Wall vol. 3: Character Reboot is now available for sale! As a reminder, volumes 1 and 2 have now gone down in price!

You can buy the DVDs via credit card HERE!

You can buy the DVDs via Paypal HERE!

Release Date/Time Change?
In the last State of the Wall, I asked about the possibility of changing the release date and time of videos. I got a lot of feedback on it, but I haven’t yet made any decisions. I’d like to get back into a swing of regular episodes without storylines or special circumstances again to see if it’s just me that’s the problem or other external factors keeping me from keeping videos finished in the normal release time. While some episodes recently HAVE been released on time, they were basically down to the wire.


Geek.Kon – I’ll be going to Geek.Kon in Madison, Wisconsin for the first time on August 25-27! Other guests include Brad Swaile, Jeff Nimoy, and Robert Axelrod!

I plan to attend Youmacon this year, but since no formal announcement about my being a guest has been made, I do not yet feel confident about making my own announcement about it.

Back Issues!

  • The Savage Dragon #1

    Truly there’s nothing more savage than questioning the ethics of admitting people into the police without a thorough background check.

  • Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan #3

    For hate’s sake, I spit my last breath at this comic. If you’re having trouble watching this video on the […]

  • The New Guardians #4

    Is that a giant robot at the door? Eh, just let someone else handle it.

  • RANDOM?!

    Feelin'... lucky?