It’s that time again! Updates on how things are going, a list of upcoming episodes, and other things relevant to the show!

Schedule of Upcoming Episodes

8/4 – The Adventures of Jell-O Man and Wobbly #1
8/11 – Miller Time: All-Star Batman and Robin #8
8/18 – PSA Hell: Tandy Computer Whiz Kids: The Computer That Said No to Drugs
8/25 – Marvel Super Special #17: Xanadu
9/1 – SCI-Spy #6
9/8 – Kamandi at Earth’s End #6
9/15 – Sonic Super Special #7
9/22 – Star Trek: First Contact
9/29 – Cosmic Slam #1

Why another Miller Time so soon after the 300th? Pure business decision through and through. ASBAR tends to get more views than regular episodes and right now we’re in the middle of the Summer Slump, which usually results in lower advertising revenue and lower viewing figures (ostensibly the same reason TV has a summer hiatus – most people are going outside instead of watching TV or going on the internet at home). As such, an ASBAR episode might be good to help alleviate the pain from the slump. Unfortunately, it will not alleviate the pain of Crazy Steve, but whatcha gonna do?

As always, the schedule is subject to change if it turns out a comic is not as funny/interesting for an episode as previously thought.

Speaking of the schedule, quite a few people have expressed their disappointment that the list of upcoming episodes is not on the side any more. As I’ve said, I disliked how cluttered the sidebar of the blog got and how cluttered and messy many websites can be, which is why I haven’t been putting the list of upcoming episodes there. However, I have a compromise – what if under the “Latest Issue” box, there was a “Coming Soon…!” button that would link to the State of the Wall post which announced the schedule?

History of Power Rangers
I have resumed watching Overdrive and am making progress slogging through its utter tripe. I’m still hoping on an early August release for the videos, though as always no guarantees of anything. Production was especially slowed due to Anime Midwest and ConBravo, but I don’t have any conventions coming up until September. One of the milestones for the Patreon campaign is also set dates for History of Power Rangers that I MUST get them completed by, which I intend to stick to. Mind you, they’d still be separated by a few months due to other projects (Longbox of the Damned in particular), but you’d finally have your answer of when the next History of Power Rangers would be.

Let’s Play Pokémon Omicron
Like with HOPR, Pokémon Omicron has slowed down due to focusing on other things, but it most certainly is continuing. As always, there is no set schedule for when I record the streaming of it. I just feel in the mood to do it, play for three hours, and then we resume the exploration of the terrorists, time travel, and ghost duplicates. I have a few more episodes in the can already, but I need to edit some more and get them ready for you, especially because of Patreon…

The Patreon is up and going shockingly well! We have in fact passed the third milestone now (I’ve edited this post twice now to change that because each day another milestone gets passed). The first milestone is a holiday-themed DVD that will be going out November/December, which is now underway and I’m working on! The second was the removal of midrolls, which will start with the Adventures of Jell-O Man and Wobbly review. I’ll begin sending out messages for rewards at the beginning of August, which will also include getting people’s names to be put in the credits. I’ll also be working on looking into new camera and microphone equipment for the show to help improve overall quality. The next milestone will be at the $1500 range, which will set definite dates for History of Power Rangers releases! Mind you, they’ll still be a few months apart from each other since, well, especially during this time of year I need to get Longbox of the Damned finished. But hey, speaking of Longbox, the $2000 milestone is summertime Longbox videos!

And in case you haven’t seen the Patreon yet, Go Check It Out HERE!

Miniature Pollos
During the 300th episode celebration livestream, I showed off some 3-D printed miniature Pollos and I’m proud to announce they’re now available for purchase! Now, be noted that this is pretty much online sales only, since sadly due to the cost of printing them, I don’t make much of a profit by printing them, shipping them out to me, and then selling them.

You can purchase them from my Shapeways store HERE!

I’ll be adding the link to it to the Store section ASAP.

Convention season is winding down, which is a good thing since it means I can focus on getting actual work done. I do have plans to attend MAGFest in January, but still working out a few details on that front. In the meantime, though, I WILL definitely be attending:

Mythicon: September 19-21st in Orlando, Florida! I’ll be there alongside Little Kuriboh and Bennett the Sage!

Youmacon: October 30th through November 2nd in Detroit, Michigan! It’s another year, another Youmacon! I’ll be there along with Team Four Star and Little Kuriboh!

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