You know the drill! Updates under the cut!

Schedule of Upcoming Episodes
12/7 – PATREON: Cho Dengeki Stryker
12/14 – (Marvel) Zombies Christmas Carol #1-3
12/21 – (Marvel) Zombies Christmas Carol #4-5
12/28 – Another 15 Missed Opportunities of AT4W
1/4 – NFL SuperPro Special Edition #1
1/11 – PATREON: Popeye: Born to the Sea #1
1/18 – PSA Hell?: Onstar Batman Auto Show Special Edition
1/25 – Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters #3

As always, the schedule is subject to change for any number of reasons, but that is how it stands currently. While I have no plans for storyline-related episodes during this period, I might end up doing something if the stars align properly for an episode or two for setup, otherwise remember: “The Sleepwalker” was not just the name of the Halloween storyline, but this new storyline overall. This one’s going to require some careful writing and a bit more advanced effects for some of the stuff I want to do, so please be patient and I think people will be pleased with the results.

History of Power Rangers
As a reminder, the Megaforce review is coming out on Christmas Eve (barring wild catastrophe or act of God). It will of course cover both seasons just as I had with Samurai. Dino Charge’s review will happen when it actually finishes up. In the meantime, I will be working on creating youtube-friendly versions of History of Power Rangers. While the audio will MOSTLY remain the same, the visuals will be altered to have cuts every ten seconds and moving borders will be added. In addition, I can no longer have long-running clips of scenes or music montages. I’ll see what I can do to salvage the spirit of those montages, but they will likely have to go.

In case you’re interested in seeing me look at American tokusatsu or other Power Rangers-esque shows like Beetleborgs, VR Troopers, and Tattoooed Teenage Alien Fighters, it’s the top tier of my Patreon, so certainly check it out HERE. I’m more than willing to do them, but any project like History of Power Rangers is a MAJOR time investment, so I want it worth my while (especially when I have other stuff I could be working on).

Movie Rewards
As I said in a recent vlog on youtube, now that the movie is completed and released (and if you haven’t watched it yet, WATCH IT HERE), I’m going to start working on completing rewards. Please be patient as I work on it, since this is going to involve a lot of organizing and mailing and I’m currently looking into ways of making this even more efficient and cost-effective. I don’t want to make any promises about how THAT works in regards to some of the DVD stuff, but it could very well be that people will get more than they originally contributed for. Otherwise, there’s going to be a way to make the people who got a signed print to list which print they’d like without having to just directly e-mail me.

In the meantime, while the movie is completed, the DVD for the movie is not. Once again, I make no promises on when it will be completed, but when it is and it’s available to purchase or pre-order, I will let people know. I need time to get all those extras together (and many of them rely on other people’s involvement and EVERYBODY is busy during the holiday season) and if Screenwave ends up handling it, they’ll need time to get it ready. So yeah, I’m going to TRY to start sending out rewards in December, but stuff happens and stuff takes time, so if everyone could be a little more patient, I would greatly appreciate it. You’re going to get your rewards – the last thing I want is to piss off the people who help me keep doing this show. ^_^

On that note, if you were an IndieGoGo backer, PLEASE double-check your name in the end credits… or if your name was in the credits at all. There are still about 50 or so people I haven’t heard back from who were backers but their contrbutions did not list a name so they didn’t make it into the end credits. Just e-mail me using the contact form and it will be corrected for the DVD release. And once the updated version is sent off for the DVD… well, no more corrections can be made. That’s the end of it, so DOUBLE-CHECK.

Others have been wondering if I have any plans for another movie and… eh, while it’s certainly possible, it isn’t going to happen for a while. This was a stressful undertaking and while I’m happy with how it turned out for the most part, there’s a reason why Doug Walker stopped doing the Channel Awesome anniversary specials every year. Speaking of, while I’m less enthusiastic about doing another major crowdfunding campaign for a film, I wouldn’t be against helming anniversary specials for CA in the future. While the purpose of the other reviewers in the AT4W Movie was to inform and expand upon AT4W characters while giving me someone else to talk to other than myself, I’m confident I could handle writing something with a larger amount of people in the future, but that’s not for me to decide.

Blood Gunn comic info
Many have been asking about the Blood Gunn comic featured in the movie! Well, I’m happy to report that it is a real thing made by the ever-talented Benjamin Colon and he is more than happy to get copies to you if you’d like! If you’re fine with a PDF of it, you can purchase a copy of the comic HERE! If you’d prefer a physical copy, he has requested you contact him directly at for one. A review of the comic will be featured on the DVD… albeit with me not realizing that it’s a parody, of course, since in the world of Atop the Fourth Wall, Blood Gunn has had a successful run of 37 volumes, all lasting no more than two issues (usually a zero issue and a number one, some just being fraction issues)!

Side Projects
Now that the movie is completed, I can once again work on side projects and videos! First up that I’ll be working on are Patreon-sponsored riffs, since they’ve been waiting for those to be done and I’d like to get them cleared out ASAP. There are also at least three live shows that haven’t been put up from throughout this last year that I’m sure some people would like to see again. I should note that because I sometimes did the same live show at multiple conventions, only one of those performances is going to be put up (usually the ones with the best crowd/performance). And yes of course I’ll be resuming Let’s Play Pokémon Omicron. I have another 3 hours worth of footage from my last stream… which is like a year old now… that I have to convert into actual episodes, but it’s going to happen. I try not to leave projects unfinished and there’s still a lot more game to go through.

Longbox of the Damned
Last October’s Longbox of the Damned was… a bit disappointing in terms of the numbers. A reason that’s been suggested for why people were not as enthusiastic in watching this year is because of the summertime Longbox videos resulting in a bit of oversaturation… which seems a bit odd to me since not only were there three months in between, their focus was entirely different, but as I keep learning – I have different habits than my viewers. However, I am not deterred from doing another summer Longbox series. However, there will be some changes for this one. The “Rise of the Marvel Zombies” videos were meant to transition people into a few ideas, like Moarte not being onscreen in every episode, doing summer videos at all, and ones focusing on a theme. July was the only time I reasonably COULD get them out in 2015, but this coming year I’m going to endeavor to have them ready for June to have a bit more distance from October. In addition, this will be the first time Moarte will not be hosting. Considering the marathon’s subject matter, it seemed appropriate to have a different host, plus it’ll give them a different feeling from the October ones entirely. People have said before they’re willing to have a different host, so let’s see where this goes.

Updates to the Youtube Channel
In case you’re still not in the know, I have a youtube channel! You can find it HERE and I upload older episodes of Atop the Fourth Wall and other videos there. I’m making an effort to increase my presence there to help grow the fanbase, so liking, subscribing, and sharing videos is helpful if you can. One of the big goals I have for 2016 is to finally synchronize youtube and Screenwave. Not all my old videos like vlogs on movies or the like will go there, but new stuff will definitely make its way there.

As part of that, I have increased my upload rate of AT4W episodes to it. Every day from Monday through Thursday, you’ll get an old Atop the Fourth Wall episode. Friday will be Frightful Friday Nights, where at night you’ll get two old Longbox of the Damned videos, in particular the Midsummer’s Nightmare and last October’s videos. AT4W and Longbox should be caught up in less than a year from now so that both will be released publicly and hopefully I can actually release reviews publicly of things that people are actually talking about, like a comic related to a movie or the like. At the time of this posting, we’re in the middle of 2099 month from 2013, so we’re definitely getting there. Ruminations on older videos will continue until the Zyurangers review, when I started using unlisted youtube videos as the backup.

Why not release them publicly anyway? I want to keep my archive on youtube in order as much as possible, simple as that. We’ll also be getting more playlists on specific themes. We’ve already got ones for Miller Time, Star Trek reviews, and storyline-related episodes. I hope to soon make one for Batman, Spider-Man, and any other long-running series of videos I’ve done like the Tandy Computer Whiz Kids or PSA Hell episodes.

Patreon Updates
Things have obviously been a bit slower on the Patreon front, especially for $5+ patrons who would get behind the scenes posts. Again, the movie slowed everything down there. However, you may have also noticed that the numbers on it have dwindled a bit in recent months. That’s because I’ve finally started clearing out people who haven’t paid in three months time, and there is ALWAYS someone there who hasn’t. Please, please, PLEASE if you are a patron, re-enter your payment info. Sometimes it’s just a hiccup, but sometimes people are several months behind on their patronage and I have to drop you, meaning you lose the benefits or I have an inaccurate number being presented on my Patreon. Admittedly, Patreon is working so that in the future, my actual total will be reflective of what it’ll be after fees and whatnot, but still – every time at the beginning of the month when this stuff is charged I end up with AT LEAST $100 in unpaid patrons and it’s not an insignificant thing for me.

And in case you wanted some incentive to become a sponsor, I added new milestones fairly recently:
-$4,000 per month: A Let’s Play of Star Trek: Elite Force II will finally be made and released (perhaps even on a schedule!).
-$5,000 per month: The long-proposed series for 90s Kid and Harvey Finevoice will be produced, though not on a set schedule.
-$6,000 per month: A look at Power Rangers-esque shows will be produced, including Beetleborgs, VR Troopers, Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters, and others.

Other than providing me with a more stable income, why the higher amounts for each? Well, it’s also because I hope with the increased money I can hope to pay a second person to edit videos and thus increase my output. Remember: Atop the Fourth Wall is always my main priority, and said priority is “get an episode done each week,” so it takes away time from working on other stuff.

That’s it for now, leave any questions or comments below and I’ll try to answer or address them when I can!

Back Issues!

  • SCI-Spy #6

    The thrilling conclusion to the story that nobody cared about! If you’re having trouble watching this video on the Screenwave […]

  • Doctor Who: Remembrance of the Daleks

    Question marks are the fashion trend of the future.

  • Brave and the Bold #28

    The world’s greatest heroes! …and a teenager who snaps his fingers a lot. If you’re having trouble watching this video […]

  • RANDOM?!

    Feelin'... lucky?