So who is watching?


So, I suddenly got curious tonight after thinking about having done this show for 100 episodes – who exactly are my viewers? How old are you all? Do I have more men than women watching? Am I fun for the whole family? Am I more popular among comic readers than non-comic readers? How many people in the United States watch the show vs. Europe, Australia, Asia, etc.? Do you watch History of Power Rangers more than Atop the Fourth Wall or vice versa or both?

So, yeah, who are all of you people?

EDIT: Okay, closing comments on this one. XD I read through all 800 comments (yes, I did. @_@) and I frankly don’t have the time to devote to reading through another 800 if it should come to that. XD

As such, thanks everybody who responded – I didn’t expect quite so many people would be interested in this. XD

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