I sadly haven’t been able to figure out how to emped something that’s just an MP3 on Blip to here, so instead I’ll just link you to it. I recently did a podcast with GCF-Talk, so enjoy as they ask me questions and I give answers!

Listen to it here! Do it now!

Back Issues!

  • JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Ep. 1-4

    What, what’s so bizarre about vampires, Jack the Ripper, and ancient evil stone masks? If you’re having trouble watching this […]

  • Silent Hill: Dying Inside #3 and 4

    The fear of blood tends to create fear for the flesh. The fear of coherence tends to create this mess. […]

  • JLA/Avengers

    Proving that the real way to heal the division between Marvel and DC is with a luau.

  • RANDOM?!

    Feelin'... lucky?