One of the really good parts of the movie was, in fact, the intro. Very well done, IMHO, and it seems the company that created these opening credits was kind enough to post them online. As such, enjoy:
A Treat – the Watchmen Intro
Various updates and reactions.
Amazons Attack Prologue
The Prologue to my Amazons Attack Review (starting next week)!
If you’re having trouble watching this video on the Screenwave player, you can view it on youtube HERE.
Pointless Optimism: Dark Reign
So, here’s a little section I like to call “Pointless Optimism.” It’s where I have a weird thought about something going on in the industry and where I believe it might be headed, though in all reality it probably isn’t.
I got to thinking about Marvel’s “Dark Reign” stuff with Norman Osbourne in a position of power, and of course, being the obsessed dork that I am about One More Day, it occurred to me that maybe Dark Reign came about expressly BECAUSE of Spidey’s deal with the devil.
So could Marvel’s long-term planning be for Spidey to realize what he’d done and that the deal would be revoked in order to solve Dark Reign?
Probably not, but it was a thought.