So, while I did attend FallCon in Minnesota today, I sadly forgot my camera. But that’s fine, since it’s a two-day Con and I’ll be happy to show myself hob-knobbing (or, as it happens, just standing there next to a creator and asking someone nearby to take a picture) with some stars of the comic industry as well as giving some thoughts on a few indy creations that I acquired there, since I need to promote other Indy creators just as much as I need to promote THAT BOOK THAT’S NOW AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT A PALTRY $0.72 called Revolution of the Mask.

However, while I was scouring the back-issue boxes for some new fodder for the blog (yeah, I know, I’ve been lax in my reviews as of late), I happened upon a couple of things. The first was the start of the Spider-Man Clone Saga (which I have subsequently decided to collect in its entirety), and this happy comic:

Spider-Man #351 was the very first comic I ever remember reading as a little kid. It features Spider-Man and Nova fighting against a robot that was mystically created by the Norse Trickster God and has three heads and six arms and Spider-Man originally defeated it when he had cosmic powers.

And only in comics can I write a sentence like that.

Back Issues!

  • Ultimate Power #4

    Why do I feel like I could skip half of this comic and not miss anything? If you’re having trouble […]

  • Athena #4

    We have to choose a new way – that way being to never read this crap.

  • More Fun Comics #73: Aquaman

    The story of the terrifying juggernaut of justice! If you’re having trouble watching this video on the Screenwave player, you […]

  • RANDOM?!

    Feelin'... lucky?