The Avengers #1

Heroes! A trickster God! The Circus! All the things that make a great superhero team!

If you’re having trouble watching this video on the Screenwave player, you can view it on youtube HERE.

One of the Patreon rewards I used to give out (I no longer have this reward due to the time it took to produce one of these with the workload I already had) was to make a video of your choosing promoting something. Here is one that’s finished and with a channel you should check out!

Cannon Productions

Detective Comics #38

The origin of the boy wonder! Contains more people falling from great heights than you originally thought!

NOTE: “The Man Who Watched Batman” Kickstarter is now over.

If you’re having trouble watching this video on the Screenwave player, you can view it on youtube HERE.

In this Patreon-sponsored riff, Linkara looks at a dreary little short discussing migrant workers in the United States!

Tales to Astonish #44

Shouldn’t this be Tales to ANTstonish?

If you’re having trouble watching this video on the Screenwave player, you can view it on youtube HERE.