What’s Linkara reviewing this October?

Hit “Read More” for the full schedule for the next two months!

EDIT: Since so many people have been asking, the song in the trailer is “Hell Frozen Rain” from the Silent Hill: Shattered Memories soundtrack.

Schedule for Upcoming Atop the Fourth Wall
10/4 – Silent Hill: Dead/Alive #1-2
10/11 – Silent Hill: Dead/Alive #3-4
10/18 – Silent Hill: Dead/Alive #5
10/25 – Spider-Man: The Greatest Responsibility

NOVEMBER: Secret Origins Month!
11/1 – Action Comics #1
11/8 – Amazing Fantasy #15
11/15 – Detective Comics #27
11/22 – The X-Men #1
11/29 – Brute Force #2

Thaaaaat’s right! Two months of absolute fun coming your way! First of course is another Silent Hill comic and then the two-year anniversary of Atop the Fourth Wall with another look at the Clone Saga, and then in November we begin SECRET ORIGINS MONTH!

What’s Secret Origins Month? Well, a while back a fan donated a reprint of Amazing Fantasy #15, the first comic ever to feature Spider-Man, and so I got it into my head to look back at the very first stories featuring some of the iconic characters of comic lore. Do these stories hold up after 40, 60, or even 70 years? Well, we’ll find out as we look at the origins of Superman, Spider-Man, Batman, and the X-Men! Why is Brute Force there? Because I felt like it.

A bit late notice and for that I’m sorry, but if you live in Minnesota or are in the area, come up to Fallcon! Here are the details copied from the Midwest Comic Book Association’s website!

Date of Event: Saturday – October 16 – 2010

Open to Public: 10AM to 4PM

Location of Event:
MN State Fairgrounds – Progress Center
1621 Randall Ave – St. Paul, MN 55108

Admission: Tickets at the Door. $7 per adult. Children 9 & Under Free. Get $1 off w/a canned foodshelf donation.

I’ll be there at a table with a monitor playing episodes and (if I can get it ready in time) possibly premiere the final episode of the Silent Hill reviews early! I’ll also be selling a bit of swag (comics I’ve reviewed, signed and at cover price) and any other crap I can throw together! Autographs for any other items will be free and yes, that does include body parts for those who want to wash off their autographs instead of keeping them!

I’ll also be at DaishoCon in Stevens’ Point, Wisconsin from November 19th through the 21st! More details can be found at their website, but at the moment it looks like I’ll be at a panel and you can also meet some other web celebrity who wears glasses. I don’t know, I think he’s on youtube or something.

As for FallCon, still no word on whether or not I’ll be going, but when I have confirmation one way or another I’ll let you guys know!

History of Power Rangers
I do apologize that this one is taking so long. As I said in my more ranty post a while back, I watch the next season before I make the video for the season before it. As such, with moving into the new apartment, making new props, and filming some stuff you’ll be seeing in the coming weeks and months, I haven’t had much of a chance to sit down and do my standard “Watch half a season in a day” that I’ve done with other seasons.

Needless to say I haven’t forgotten about History of Power Rangers and the reward for your patience will be three, yes THREE videos for Wild Force (yeah, there’s a lot to talk about).

Back Issues!

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