Heyo, everybody.

Halloween week has been more than a bit hectic, I’m sorry to say, mostly as a result of me heading out to Youmacon today. Unfortunately, when creating videos, I have to prioritize things in terms of what comes out when, so putting together Longbox episodes (yeah, due to attending a wedding in another state, I lost my buffer of Longbox episodes and was usually about 1-3 episodes behind, these last three days only getting one done each day until the end), getting the live show for Youmacon ready, doing the storyline finale, recording some stuff for other people, preparing the new theme song, having to leave for Youmacon today, and just life in general, the Atop the Fourth Wall episode for November 4th is not completed.

Normally this wouldn’t be a huge problem and I could just get it done when I got back… eeeexcept this year we’re breaking with custom and I won’t be returning home until Monday afternoon instead of Sunday late afternoon. There’s progress that’s already been made on editing the episode, but unfortunately it’s just not complete and it won’t be ready by Monday morning or even Monday evening. I took a quick poll on Twitter and they said they’d prefer the episode be pushed back to Tuesday instead of having a double feature the following week, so that’s what we’re going with. I always hate screwing with the schedule or missing the day, but there’s simply nothing that can be done. In five years and 260+ episodes, I’ve only missed the Monday release schedule four times – in the beginning, when I didn’t HAVE the Monday release schedule, after the Entity finale, when I was up all through the Monday of that day getting it done, when I was sick and attending GatoCon RIGHT after the “Gun and Sorcery” storyline, and now this. It bugs me to do so ANY time, but as you can see, the pattern here is storyline finale + convention usually has issues with me. Still, look for the episode on Tuesday morning and I’ll keep you guys updated on any other delays or issues that may arise.

Back Issues!

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  • RANDOM?!

    Feelin'... lucky?