Hey, everyone! So I’m at Midwest Media Expo this weekend, so for anyone else who’s going to be attending, here’s the schedule!

Friday, April 25th
Main Events 1 (Renaissance Ballroom – Cabot)
5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
I’ll be doing a live show! What will I review? Come to it and found out! I’ll also show the episode for next week, make a MAJOR announcement, and film some stuff for an upcoming episode!

Autographs (4th Floor West Foyer)
9:00 PM – 11:00 PM
I’ll be selling merch and signing autographs!

Saturday, April 26th
Autographs (4th Floor West Foyer)
4:30 PM – 6:30 PM
I’ll be selling merch and signing autographs! Again!

Main Events 1 (Renaissance Ballroom – Cabot)
10:30 PM – 12:00 AM
I’m doing my very first 18+ panel! Will I swear a whole lot? MAYBE! What will definitely be happening is that I’ll be showing off one of the videos of the upcoming Atop the Fourth Wall volume 2 DVD! It features porn! And lots of people angry about porn! Also: more people filmed for an upcoming episode!

Other things of note:
-I’ll probably be attending Team Four Star’s panels (not really on them, just watching)
-I theoretically will have a booth in the vendor’s room, so if you can’t otherwise make the autograph signings, head to that to get stuff signed or to buy stuff!
-I’m bringing my Pokémon X/Y trainer cosplay and my Suburban Knights costume!
-I will be distributing Pokémon on Pokémon X and Y! Specifically I’ll be giving away all Johto and Hoenn starters, females, in different pokéballs! That’s right, if you wanted, say, a Cyndaquil in a Premiere Ball, I’ll be giving it away! NOTE: I’m still in the process of breeding them and it takes forever to get a female out of it (since it’s only a 12% chance), so I may not have the SPECIFIC one you wanted, but I’ll be working on it to try to get as many as I can (limit 1 per person).

Looking forward to seeing everyone there!

Back Issues!

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  • Marvel Comics #1 (The Human Torch)

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  • RANDOM?!

    Feelin'... lucky?