…Or rather paid-for donations.

See, the thing is I have some big plans coming up over the next several months and subsequently I like to have stuff ready ahead of time, sometimes just a month in advance and sometimes several months in advance.

As such, there are two items lately that have become rather difficult to locate.

The first is the infamous Doom Comic.

Yes, I do plan on making a review of it, but for the life of me I can’t find it. And yes, I know there’s a copy completely online, but I want the actual physical thing to hold during the review. My usual source sadly has had trouble finding it, but if one of my fans has a copy and would be willing to part with it, I’d be willing to compensate them via PayPal.

EDIT: A fan has graciously donated his morpher and I have received it. Thanks, Richard!

Otherwise, new episode will be up later today and the list of upcoming episodes will be out tomorrow night!

Back Issues!

  • Ultimate Power #5-6

    Maybe if this had been traced from a good comic, it would have been better?

  • Batman vs. the Predator #1

    Somehow I doubt the Predator will be a good fit for Arkham Asylum.

  • 500th Episode

    It’s the 500th episode! You can listen to Living Illusion’s full version of the theme song cover HERE! This episode […]

  • RANDOM?!

    Feelin'... lucky?