Can Doctor Insano defeat the Mad Critic?!

NOTE: This movie was originally split into six individual parts when released. Due to several video host changeovers, it is now available all in one video.

Also: I can dance if I want to!

Unfortunately, Hotel Awesome has apparently been lost to time, so this is no longer a triple feature.

Back Issues!

  • Revolution

    The lack of Jem in this is what’s truly outrageous.

  • All-American Comics #16

    A story of talking rocks, magic green train lanterns, and the man who could only be stopped by a stick! […]

  • Extreme Super Christmas Special #1

    Nothing like a yuletide yawner to celebrate the season. If you’re having trouble watching this video on the Screenwave player, […]

  • RANDOM?!

    Feelin'... lucky?